Soul Mates


Handsome is my very best friend.

I started the day reading a blog post at titled “10 Reasons you don’t need a boyfriend or Girlfriend in High School”. You can read it here. I agree with every word of it. Her 10 reasons are spot on. So you can just hop over and read her post knowing that the rest of my words are just a big DITTO…..

My handsome husband and I didn’t meet until I was 21. That was after I innocently stalked him and fell for him before ever having our first conversation.  I dated some people before him. All of those relationships were hurtful eventually.  Any of the juicy details of those relationships would be disrespectful to Handsome, so I’ll refrain from too much info on them. But that’s brings me to my point…..

The relationships pre-Handsome were emotionally wasteful and exhausting.

I don’t want my children to go through the hurt I felt when those high school and college relationships were falling apart, being taped back together, falling apart again, and being thrown in the trash. I feel so strongly about teaching my children to know their worth without a boyfriend or girlfriend. I want my children to be confident and feel so loved at home that they don’t feel the need to even date until they are ready to find a mate.

My kids are not interested in the opposite sex yet. (Thank you Jesus). We talk openly about dating and how it’s a waste of time. We even talk about it when friends are over and I try to squash any conversations that are about boyfriends or girlfriends.

The world is broken. I understand that. Hurt is inevitable. I understand that too. We are all looking for love and acceptance and some of us will look any and everywhere until we find it. But dating creates a whole new avenue for brokenness and hurt. For now, I want to protect them from all the hurt and brokenness I can. If that means we don’t date until college and are judged because that whole concept is a little weird, I’m totally okay with that.

I want my little peeps in my house to feel secure and loved. I want them to feel so confident about their place in the world and their worth, that they don’t feel any draw to having any type of peer relationship other than great friendship. I want them to have deep friendships that develop into relationships as they get older.

I want to get to the end of the teen years without emotional baggage or without emotionally bankrupt children.

If I can protect their sweet hearts from it, I will.



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