Fixing It

I am reading 40 Days of Decrease again for lent. As a Baptist girl, this practice is new and a little shaky for me even after years of attempts. I didn’t give up any food or Facebook. Instead I decided to really focus on my word for the year, Space, and dig deep into the words of this book. 

It’s good. And deep. A little too deep some days. But today here are the words:

“Today’s Fast: Fixing It”

Just the title hits me smack dab in the feels. Hurt seems to be all around and I am constantly mending and fixing hearts and holes. It’s the inevitable tween drama compounded with our move (that happened two years ago). It seems time hasn’t quite healed whatever wounds were inflicted.

Yesterday’s car conversation of “why did we even move” and “this is not my home” was painful for me to hear and hurt my heart so much. But imagine my momma heart hope when I read these words this morning…

“So today, fast fixing things. Let the broken be broken for a day-be that a tool or a heart.” 

I’m resting in these words today. Are you rushing about trying to heal hurt? Find rest with me. For today. 

I’m on a journey to find a peace that I’ve given lip service to but long to know deep in my soul. This might be a good first step. 

Rest, weary soul. I’m right here with you.

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