Letters to my Children: Tweens to Teens

Each month I have the honor of joining a mom or two in a blog circle. Click here to hop over to Holli’s post this month. 

Dear children,

What a difference a month makes! I thought the exponential growing was solely during infancy but that hasn’t held true this month. The month of Novemebe was really good to us. I am so honored to be your mom.

To my Michael,

I looked over a saw a teenager sitting next to handsome at church this month. I watched you brush your hair and swear I saw a teenager. I stood tall and realized you are growing by leaps and bounds. You officially have passed my chin. In August you fit snugly under my chin but are right to the bottom of my nose as of this morning. 

You don’t fit in my precious protective bubble anymore. I can no longer hover and protect you at all times. I don’t know what you do during the day or who you are talking to/with/about. 

And you just don’t need me to. 

We are entering a new season. Thank you for letting me stick around. Thank you easing into this season. 

I need you to know, I’m not ready but I’m going to do my best to be cool about it. 

Love you more-mom

To my girl,

The tween trenches have not felt as deep this month. You and I took a girls trip to San Antonio and I feel like we really found each other. I had been feeling so defeated and lost. I’m thankful that we could come together and figure out how to trudge through this as a team. 

You are not a little girl anymore. This is our last year for Santa and the last year that innocence will be a real part of the Christmas season. Thank you for giving me one more year to move the elf and support all the traditions that make you feel safe and secure and life magical. 

I see you listening and learning the hard stuff. I see you adjusting and figuring out how to weather the drama that seems to be all around. I hear your laughter and joy. I hear your hurts too. I love you so. 

To the moon and maybe further-mom

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