31 Things to Say?


It’s October… I’m working on a new blog and decided to take the 31 day writing challenge.

The blog is not quite finished but I’ve been working on it for over a month and decided it’s time to just put it out there and move forward. I’ve had two fairly active blogs in the past. One focused on my kids and one that addresses the other parts of my life. Here is where I will bring it all together.

Since our everything is new, I decided a new blog is in order. One that documents how our lives shape and change and bomb and win….and all of the stuff that falls in between.


I’m still pretty unsure about all of it. About the time I feel confident and good, the next step I fall and get frustrated (and may even cuss). So this journey has been more difficult than I thought it would be and I want to be honest about the struggles we face and the beautiful life that all those struggles create.

Besides…there are cows and soon there will be chickens…and I have no idea what to do with livestock. I feel like once we have chickens I will need to garden. And then I will need to learn how to can food “for the winter”. (Okay, that last part made me laugh a little).

But you get it right? This is going to be a mess. Please stick around for the journey…I promise it will be entertaining and we may just let God teach us something along the way.

If the whole chicken thing doesn’t work out, we can always turn the chicken coop into a really cool clubhouse….


31 days of writing and saying stuff that I think people want to hear…Sometimes I’m not sure I should share my unfiltered thoughts, but that’s what I’m going to do.

See you back here tomorrow.

The blog hopper circle is up today. I have to joy of sharing a blog circle with some amazing women. Our circle keeps us connected and accountable to blogging each month. Click Here to go to the Lavender Drop to see how my beautiful friend Jana is using essential oils for her stinky dogs this month.



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