Absolutely Impatient

Patience has eluded me my entire life. 

I am a type A, overachieving, perfectionist. People mess me up all the time. Making a mistake is unacceptable. (And embarrassing). 

I am impatient when people are not acting like adults (or how I think they should act). 

I am impatient when you do not drive the speed limit…5 under is getting us nowhere…I might as well get out and walk! 

I am impatient when I have explained math 2 times. You need to get it. I don’t care that you are nine and you have growing pains. Figure it out. 

I am impatient when I feel like I have answered the same questions more than one time. How else do I explain so that you get it?  Why don’t you get it?

In a nutshell, I am a delight. 

And we have been transplanted into a new place where:

-I want to sit and whine because all the new has been harder on me than I thought and I’m tired of putting on a brave face. 

-I don’t quite drive the speed limit because I’m not exactly sure where I am going. (Or I am driving exactly the speed limit because I don’t have time to be stopped for speeding and you need slow down and be more patient)…

-I don’t really understand how things work at this new school…can you please explain it to me again. 
….do you see the pattern? 

I want to be involved and know my place at school and at church. I want to know people and their story and have a few experiences behind us. 

I am always about 3 steps passed where I need to be and I’m learning that this is not how I am going to operate here. 

I need to slow down and listen to the story so that I get to know the new person. 

I need to slow down and let you drive 5 miles under the speed limit because it only takes me 5 minutes to get anywhere so I’ll never really be that late.

I need to explain math again and again until you feel confident and ready for your test…. Because unless I can figure out how to teach you how to be pretty and “marry up”, you’re gonna need math. 


(She’s got the “pretty” down…now to “marry up” )

Are you finding yourself rushed and hurried and impatient? Or are you in a season where you need more time and more answers and more investing? 

I pray joy and peace are your absolutes today.

4 Comments on “Absolutely Impatient

  1. You absolutely thrill me! I love you and I am so proud of you. Forgive me if I am not a good listener when you need to share about your “NEW” because for me, your “NEW” is perfect because it is near me. LOVE you So!

  2. I like what Grana had to say bc she deserves an “Awwwww”…..so sweet and honest and heartfelt. I’m with her, I’m proud of you in your new….mostly bc it is how I know you but also bc I know that it’s teaching you more about who God is in your life and in the life of your family. You guys are precious…..really. How do I barely know you?

  3. I do agree with all of the ideas you have presented in your post. They’re very convincing and will certainly work. Still, the posts are very short for newbies. Could you please extend them a little from next time? Thanks for the post.

  4. My Mom is 87 and I find myself with no patience. Learn to have patience now so it will be easier for you when we grow older.

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